Bloomberg Law
Aug. 20, 2023, 2:16 PM

Severe Weather Set to Boost US Disaster Funding Needs, FEMA Says

Alicia Diaz
Alicia Diaz
Bloomberg News

Growing extreme-weather risks mean President Joe Biden’s expected request for billions in extra disaster-relief funding might not be enough for the next fiscal year, FEMA head Deanne Criswell said.

Biden’s roughly $12 billion request would cover the spending year ending Sept. 30, the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator said on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday.

“As we’re continuing to see the increase in these severe weather events, that dollar amount may need to go up as we go into next fiscal year,” Criswell said.

Deanne Criswell
Photographer: Sarah Silbiger/Bloomberg

A wildfire in early August that destroyed the Hawaiian town of Lahaina and ...

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