Bloomberg Tax
Aug. 17, 2023, 8:45 AM

OECD’s Manal Corwin Talks Next Steps in Global Tax Deal (Podcast)

Lauren Vella
Lauren Vella

July was a big month for the OECD, marking its release of a tranche of documents detailing progress on the global tax deal agreed to by more than 130 countries in 2021.

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The agreement includes reallocation of the residual profits of large multinational companies to market jurisdictions, known as Pillar One, and a 15% global minimum tax, known as Pillar Two.

On this week’s episode of Talking Tax, Bloomberg Tax reporter Lauren Vella speaks with Manal Corwin, director of the OECD’s Center for Tax Policy and Administration, about nuances of the latest guidance and next steps to move the deal forward.

Do you have feedback on this episode of Talking Tax? Give us a call and leave a voicemail at 703-341-3690.

To contact the reporter on this story: Lauren Vella at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Vandana Mathur at; Kathy Larsen at

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