Bloomberg Law
Aug. 10, 2023, 9:42 PMUpdated: Aug. 11, 2023, 1:38 AM

Medicare Drug Prices Tripled Since Market Entry, AARP Finds (1)

Nyah Phengsitthy
Nyah Phengsitthy

Major brand-name drugs covered by Medicare have tripled in costs and exceeded inflation since their market entrance, AARP said in a drug price report published Thursday.

The findings come just weeks before the Sept. 1 deadline for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to announce the first 10 drugs for which prices will be negotiated effective in 2026. AARP, which represents Americans 50 and older, supports the Inflation Reduction Act and lowering drug costs. The group said the law will “penalize drug companies that increase their prices faster than the rate of inflation.”

The group’s analysis is based on ...

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